Sometimes life throws you a complete curveball and most of the time you never see it coming. One of my biggest life turning points came in the form of divorce. It turned out to be a total tear down/reconstruction situation for me.
Mind/Body/Soul/Spirit - all of it!
I didn't even know I needed it or that it was a thing - lol.
What I've learned is that it's not what happens in our lives that defines us, but how we handle and view those big moments. Every challenge is an opportunity for love, growth and insight -
That's the Upside.
I know that you've been through big challenges too.
Whatever your divorce or life change story is; be it divorce, loss, illness, addiction, heartache, you name it - you deserve love, happiness and joy, and it is ALL waiting for you.
Good things are on their way - we've got this.
Let's find the Upside together.