You don't have to be an avid reader to love and enjoy books these days. I listen to a TON of audio books as I am driving around town and as the perfect way to start my day on a positive note.

Below are some of my favorites that really lifted me up and ignited hope as I was navigating HUGE change and a personal spiritual revolution. I have SO many more books that I could add to this list but these 5 were ESSENTIAL to finding comfort and strength when I needed it most.
Some of these I have listened to or read like 7 times - no joke (The Universe has your Back - I'm talking about YOU!) so kick back, settle in and great ready to soak up some inspiration from these incredible thought leaders:
1. The Greatest You by Trent Shelton
This book is simple in its message, but this is the one I can’t hear enough times and in times of stress I need to hear over and over and over. Acceptance, accountability and how to rise and be great despite any circumstants - no excuses! Trent was a former football player who’s entire identity was tied up in his football career, until he didn’t have one. His recovery from self doubt and disappointment into finding a true calling that is such a gift to the world is inspiring and relatable. We all have had disappointments and failures - and getting divorced can be a big one. But what you may discover is that what you thought was a failure really wasn't that at all, but a gift directing you towards growth and to better things. Trent also sends videos and messages via text and I swear a few of the moments I have received these could be called uncanny! Thank you Trent!
2. Girl, Wash your Face by Rachel Hollis
Rachel is the original honest, lay it all out there, tell it like it is sister that I never had. She is a cheerleader and guide as we women navigate the many logistical and emotional pitfalls in life. Her voice is honest, authentic and super relatable. She grew up as a small town preacher's daughter, married young and struggled with weight, motherhood, family tragedy and other issues many of us have faced. She tells us we can be our best selves and it’s ok to have flaws. I love her and you will too!
3. The Universe Has Your Back by Gabby Bernstein
Gabby is my real first guru, a spiritual guide and has shown me how to embrace spiritually on my own terms. To say this book was life changing for me would be an understatement. Through Gabby I opened myself up to a true spiritual awareness including: meditation, spiritual guidance, angels, faith, choosing love and many many more life intentions that I will be forever grateful for. Her tools have been detrimental to my healing after divorce. This one is my favorite book of hers (have literally listened to the audible version no less than 10 times and sometimes just listen to a chapter to refresh) but I love Super Attractor and Miracles Now too. Thank you Gabby. I admire you and am forever grateful I found you.
4. Happily Ever After by Kristin Armstrong
Kristin is the former wife of Lance Armstrong. A Christian and a journalist/writer. This book is designed as a bible verse with Kristin’s sage yet relatable interpretation, loving support and gracious honesty. It is classy, thought provoking, kind but also raw and honest in addressing the heartbreak, disappointment and confusion experienced in divorce. Through faith and love we work through the trials and learn to reframe our story. Christian or not, this book is beautiful.
5. I've Been Thinking by Maria Shriver
I picked up this book completely by accident when I was volunteering at an annual fashion show fundraiser. It turns out this was no accident at all, but completely divine intervention. Maria had just been speaking at the same hotel and had left stacks of books for the soon to be grads we were working with - how cool is that? There were so many of the books available that I grabbed one for my daughter and ended up loving this book for myself. As we all know, Maria had an incredibly painful and public divorce from her husband Arnold Schwarzenegger. This book is actually not about divorce, but about life, female strength and empowerment, overcoming trials and basically how to be an all around amazing person just like her. It’s structured in chapters beginning with an inspiring verse, her interpretation and story and ending with a prayer. Again, you don’t have to be Christian or Catholic to love this. She is a class act and a lady through and through but also so incredibly wise and accomplished. Wow.
Each of these books inspired me to see a new perspective, lifted my spirits and provided solace, strength and understanding when I needed it most. These authors are filled with soul and love - exactly the guiding light needed to inspire me to not only make it through some of the difficult life transitions, but also to live and love higher and brighter than I ever believed was possible.
Thank you.